Saturday, March 14, 2015

I Was Spammed!

I was spammed!  Yes, I was.  What do I mean by that?  It all started last year during the Tuesday Challenge for the Slice of Life.  One day when I posted my blog piece I noticed that it did not appear on the list.  I waited, thinking the server was busy, and checked again.  Still, my post was not there.  Hmm...maybe I did something wrong.  Ray (my computer programmer husband) says that things are usually "user error" unless the program has glitches....the Slice has been going on for, I figured that it was user error.  I posted again...still it did not appear.  I used a different computer....still nothing.  I changed from using Internet Explorer to using Chrome.
                                                              Still, nothing.

That was last year....and I found that sometimes my post would appear a lot later....or if I tried once an hour....sometimes it would finally work.  But most of the time it did not work.  I finally stopped trying....partly because of that, and partly because I was dealing with a lot of issues following the death of my dear friend, Rae.

So, when March arrived, I questioned whether to try the March Challenge.  I decided to do it.  I enjoy reading the other blogs and reading comments.  I had missed the community of familiar names...the variety of blogs...hearing how the new baby is doing...feeling sad when someone has had a loss...being joyful at accomplishments....and reading with wonder at the talented posts of prose and poems. 

When my first post showed up in the list I was delighted! works again!  And then...the day before blog did not appear.  I posted it a number of times and finally, in late afternoon I saw it.  Then, yesterday, again my blog did not appear...and it never showed up no matter how many times I tried.  I mentioned this to Cathy Mere...and she must have told Betsy Hubbard.  Betsy found out that my posts had been going to the SPAM folder!  How odd...but at least I know it was not "user error!"   The only problem is....Betsy will have to check the spam folder everyday to see if my post is hanging out in there.  I hate that she has to do this...but grateful that I can continue to be part of this community. 

Thanks, Cathy and Betsy...and all of the other bloggers who have made this challenge fun and rewarding.


  1. It is really no problem at all. I'm so sorry this glitch has been following you, ugh. Love the pic though, very appropriate. :)

  2. So glad that you and Betsy were able to figure out the problem. As I said previously, I enjoy reading your blogs and always look to see if you posted. Your pictures and stories are always interesting and often bring a smile to my face.

    1. Thanks for the kind words. I do the same with your blog. It always touches me in some way...and I am amazed at Kathy's talent in quilting.

  3. Glad you figured out the glitch. How frustrating!

  4. I feel your pain! I was labeled spam last year too. It was the most frustrating feeling. It somehow got corrected though I don't remember how. My mind has tried to block it out. lol

    1. Glad they figured it out for you and for me this year. I hope it works. :-)

  5. So glad you can take a humorous view of this problem! Your pic is the icing on the top! But seriously, so glad everyone figured out what the problem is. I enjoy reading your posts!

    1. Thanks, I enjoy reading yours. :-)

  6. So now we know the problem. Wonder what makes the program decide if something is spam or not. At least we can get you back on track if it doesn't show up right away, you know who to call. Spam busters!

  7. Oh no! I am sorry this is still going on, but know the wonderful women at TWT will make it work. They are problem solvers! Thank goodness for "spam busters." Oh, SPAM!

