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Morton Haworth WWII |
Hi Dad,
It feels weird writing to you. I mean, I think of you everyday and often talk to you hoping you hear me. And sometimes I even feel your presence when I am going through tough and also good times. But today is different. Today I am glad that you are not alive to see what has happened to the country you fought for.
You were part of the 'Greatest Generation' and you, like many others of your generation, earned that title from the many hardships in your life. You lived through the Great Depression and then volunteered to fight fascism in World War II. I am looking at the shadowbox displaying your Purple Heart and Bronze Star. Such a brave man, wounded in the service of your country, bravely saving the lives of others and losing your leg in the process. And yet, as my father, I never heard you complain about your life or your sacrifice.
I could write paragraphs about your character, your kindness and quiet intelligence. But today I must apologize for what is happening to our country, the one you and over 16 million American troops served in World War II to defend against a tyrant named Hitler and the Axis. I used to wonder how the good people of Germany could allow such a man in control of their country. Well, now I know. It is happening here, and even though I hear some great speeches from our leaders condemning this; I do not see much action or alarm from the majority of them. I fear our country has lost its spine. Where is the outrage?
Our country has allowed a draft dodging (well, he did have bone spurs, but somehow manages to play golf every weekend) felon become president. I do not capitalize the word president when I speak of him, just as I will not speak his name. He has conned a third of the country into thinking he is the best thing next to apple pie. (sorry for the cliche) He uses hate speech, fear, threats and bullying for most of his tactics, and he has gathered all of his sycophants to grovel at his feet hoping to be part of the power. It used to make me sad, but now I am just freaking angry.
I know by writing this I will be called a number of names, but I am past caring. I am proud to be liberal and woke. I have been to protests and I have written letters. But I wonder what you would be doing, Dad. Where did you find the strength to overcome any fears you might have had? Have so many of our citizens become so self absorbed, so fearful of others who are different from them, so resentful of those less fortunate than us, that we have lost any shred of the values you taught us through your actions? It just isn't there. We have become too lazy to take the first step to face the fear. Or, maybe we are just too afraid and hope someone else will save our country.
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Ray's Father, Murel Hoy WWII |
You left us a prosperous country, respected in the world, a leader in Democracy. If you saw us now, I wonder if you would weep at the atrocities committed under the guise of 'democracy', when in fact it is a despicable race for power. People who profess to be Christians seem to have forgotten the words of Jesus. Mega churches are spewing hate against those who don't fit into their mold. "Love thy neighbor" has turned into, 'Love they neighbor as long as they look like me.' These Christians ridicule those of us who show compassion and empathy for those less fortunate. They call us 'woke' as if it is a slur. I take it as a badge of honor. I want to be aware of the needs of others so I can help.
I need to stop this letter as it is already too long. I know if I post this on social media many will make nasty comments, laugh at my pain, and just be total pompous jerks. (It is so hard to not use swear words, Dad, but since I only heard you swear twice in my whole life, I will refrain from that in respect for you.) Oh, yes, respect is a thing of the past. Imagine Winston Churchill visiting the White House during World War II and having President Roosevelt Vice President Wallace berate him about needing support from the USA? That is what happened last week in our White House. It was embarrassing and shameful watching the behavior of the con man in the White House. President Zelensky did not fall for the attempts to get him to get ruffled and upset. He showed so much class compared to the others in that room.
As you can see, it is difficult to end this letter. I wish you and others of your generation were here to bring some sanity to this nightmare. I know many of the maga clan have had to had parents and grandparents who served in WWII. Have they no shame in smearing the actions of the brave family members by supporting the fascist direction their leader is taking them? No, they have proven over and over that it is easier and more fun taking the easy road of following the bully.
I love you, Dad. And I do love our country, but I am ashamed right now and almost too tired to fight for Democracy. Just writing this letter to you has given me a little more courage.
Your daughter,
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